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Our studio is honoured to be part of the annual Showcase of Dance held either at the Baxter or Artscape Theatre under the auspices of the Western  Province Dance Association.

Here our most senior dancers combine to produce an original and entertaining piece of 7 minutes which performs 4 times on  a professional stage.  Our dance usually fuses elements of various dance styles as we are fortunate to have talented practitioners in a wide range of genres.

This title was a play on words since as dancers we are in our element when we dance but also we incorporated the 4 elements of nature in our choreography.  Earth was portrayed by our hip hop dancers, water by our modern ones, air by ballet and fire by hop dancers using LED lights on their hoops when we performed at Artscape but with real fire when we did it at our own hall.

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A coat-tailed conductor walked onto the stage in front of the curtains and raised his baton.  The curtains lifted and revealed the figures of the dancers who moved in obedience to his gestures he controlled their moods and movements.

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Set in a restaurant filled with customers and waiters.  Choices and decisions were explored through the story of a love triangle between the 3 protagonists.

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Some sad and some happy memories were revisited on the stage.  This Showcase was dedicated to the memory of Daphne’s daughter-in-law who passed away that year. This was a reminder to cherish every minute and nurture all our treasured memories.


The hustle and bustle of a train station was the scene for a series of vignettes involving working girls, lively teenagers, couples in love and busy commuters.


Showcase 2019 saw the studio doing a piece called Iconic Pop.  Here we used well-loved pop songs from way back and put our own spin on the choreography.  Music from Christina, Beyonce’, Back Street Boys and NSync joined to entertain the audience with our lively dancers who managed to pull off 5 costume changes in 7 minutes!

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After a break of 3 years due to covid, we were back on a professional stage at the Joseph Stone Theatre in a collaboration with other studios in Cape Town to present the Western Province Dance Association’s Showcase of Dance.


Our piece was entitled “JUXTAPOSITIONS” as we placed contrasting themes together:  Enemies, Friends, Staying Close, Being Apart,  Black and White and our three performances were very well received.

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